
October 2008 - Non-profit status, a business plan, taxes, and the story

After finding a few grants that are designed to collect tax-deductible donations on the behalf of the film, I filled out the paper work and submitted to a few.

I met with a dean of the business school who suggested to make a business plan and talk to a tax-specialist professor. This was good advice, so I made a 22-page business plan covering all aspects of why this project is possible and how it’s going to happen and be a real movie that everyone’s going to want to watch.

The tax professor was very nice and basically told me that if I can’t get the non-profit grant to forget the non-profit status because the IRS stipulations get too complicated.

This month, I wrote David’s treatment and script. A treatment is basically the script with limited dialogue and in a less-formal, more-readable, story-esque format. If the treatment is well written, the script simply falls into place. The feedback from my writing class teacher was very helpful throughout the entire process, and her suggestions were helpful in making the story understandable to wider audiences.

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