More copy/paste from Twitter as there is no time to write a proper update.
1. Trying to figure out a cheap alternative to insurance so we can get our scenes filmed (#missingpieces)9 minutes ago from web
2. Nick and Ryan have been scouting forever, and today they have a strong lead for a working Geo Prism & location for car flip (#missingpieces)about 1 hour ago from web
3. Ordered the Iron & Wine vinyl album prop for the movie! Sweet relief of a big burden (#missingpieces)about 1 hour ago from web
4. apparently, the movie was covered in one of Birmingham's local papers (#missingpieces)about 2 hours ago from web
5. Pauleka arranged for coverage in American University's newspaper! (#missingpieces)about 2 hours ago from web
6. scouting Danny's new apartment. Cool place, but it won't work. The search for appt.s continues :( - hangin' w/ Danny (#missingpieces)about 2 hours ago from web
7. e-mails at the library (#missingpieces)about 2 hours ago from web
8. picked up an expensive 300mm lens to borrow for production from our generous photographer, Joe De Sciose (#missingpieces)about 2 hours ago from web
9. rehearsal with my grandmother for 2 hours at Panera Bread (#missingpieces)about 2 hours ago from web
10. IRON AND WINE'S MUSIC/ALBUM COVER WILL BE IN THE MOVIE!!! CHOICE #1 for music licensing!!!! 2 months of negotiations! (#missingpieces)7:00 PM Sep 2nd from web
11. Secured the 110 foot crane from the 11th to the 13th for the big industrial factory scene (#missingpieces)4:39 PM Sep 2nd from web
12. $1,600 worth of professional business signage for $160 :) - Thanks (#Missingpieces)3:11 PM Sep 2nd from web
13. Check out this guy's music. Fumio, one of our music supervisors found him - amazing - (#missingpieces)2:19 PM Sep 2nd from web
14. paperwork, utilities, and leasing for the apartment set (#missingpieces)2:16 PM Sep 2nd from web
15. 1,700 real e-mails in 20 days -inbox only, not counting sent mail (#missingpieces)6:14 AM Sep 2nd from web
16. FIRST GREAT DAY EVER! Apartment - done, Car explosion location - done, grocery store - done, helicopters - done :D (#MissingPieces)10:31 PM Sep 1st from web
17. Has two options for a free helicopter for our action scene. Both coordinated by Reid Krackower - our savior! (#missingpieces)6:56 PM Sep 1st from web
18. Today is locations day - a meeting tonight with a grocery store (#missingpieces)6:15 PM Sep 1st from web
19. has a place to blow up the car!!!! Culman County Landfill. Landfill Manager "Tadpole" and I are buddies (#Missingpieces)5:42 PM Sep 1st from web
20. found THE apartment for filming! Now just trying to wrap the brain around it and adapt all the scenes to the given space (#missingpieces)1:45 PM Sep 1st from web
21. real people = I live in my head, and it's amazing that so many talented individuals would be donating their time and skills to this @analein1:34 AM Sep 1st from web
22. production is actually happening. Who knew. Now it's about coordinating tangible things on tangible dates with real people (#missingpieces)12:16 AM Sep 1st from web
23. why does it take 4 months of daily calls to NOT have permission to film in a grocery store, apartment complex, or quarry? (#missingpieces)4:23 PM Aug 31st from web
24. can't express how thankful he is that Pauleka is on board!!! She's our line producer, and she kicks butt! (#missingpieces)3:52 AM Aug 31st from web
25. working on scheduling, people coordination, logistics, legal, and general communication (#missingpieces)3:09 AM Aug 31st from web
26. Made instructions for background actors, spammed Craig's List, and research on acting (#missingpieces)11:29 PM Aug 30th from web
27. Coming up with instruction sheets for background actors in the movie (#missingpieces)3:06 PM Aug 30th from web
28. google earth grocery store scouting (#MissingPieces)3:05 PM Aug 30th from web
29. re-writes, and coordinating lots of folks to take care of business (#missingpieces)5:27 AM Aug 30th from web
30. met with our production designer and photographer to map out some upcoming stuff - i.e. backstory photo shoot (#missingpieces)5:26 AM Aug 30th from web
31. @wcabral E-mails better for me usually at responding, but we'll find a quarry - it's at the top of my list. Been trying since May2:05 AM Aug 29th from web in reply to wcabral
32. got the motivation to start re-doing the production schedule. Ugh. (#missingpieces)1:42 AM Aug 29th from web
33. @wcabral Sounds good, just give me a call tomorrow1:33 AM Aug 29th from web in reply to wcabral
34. pleading with folks to find a place to blow up our car (#missingpieces)1:32 AM Aug 29th from web
35. Sending feedback to lots of hard-working folks working on different aspects of the movie (#missingpieces)12:16 AM Aug 29th from web
36. contacting prospective supporting actors to work on the movie (#missingpieces)12:15 AM Aug 29th from web
37. meetings with a local high school and our custom t-shirt designer (#missingpieces)12:10 AM Aug 29th from web
38. making final offer and negotiations with Boone and Melora (#missingpieces)11:40 PM Aug 28th from web
39. Mark Boone Junior and Melora Walters are confirmed on the movie! Just one last detail with Melora's schedule (#missingpieces)11:40 PM Aug 28th from web
40. faxing legal documents to a landowner and returning some amazon items (#missingpieces)4:58 PM Aug 26th from web
41. Pauleka is organizing everyone who wants to help on production :) She's helping w/ tons of other stuff too (#missingpieces)2:12 PM Aug 26th from web
42. our costume designers are hard at work scouring the city finding the perfect pieces for our characters (#missingpieces)2:10 PM Aug 26th from web
43. has a car for filming - 91 honda civic with paint chipping (#missingpieces)2:10 PM Aug 26th from web
44. sorting out some actor to actor communication (#missingpieces)5:20 AM Aug 26th from web
45. has a bunch of supporting cast celebrity inquiries ready to go as soon as we are given the go ahead (#missingpieces)4:10 AM Aug 26th from web
47. Just got a direct e-mail from Boone :D - this is becoming very real very quick (#missingpieces)3:33 AM Aug 26th from web
48. has a new line producer! Pauleka Cooper, and she's already hard at work (#missingpieces)1:02 AM Aug 26th from web
49. Both of the actors will be leads in the movie!! If the scheduling works out (#missingpieces)1:01 AM Aug 26th from web
50. two of my favorite film actors are making their final decisions (#missingpieces)4:57 PM Aug 25th from web
52. panic attack (#missingpieces)1:41 AM Aug 25th from web
53. is a dog catching his tail - ut oh (#missingpieces)12:42 AM Aug 25th from web
54. Velveteen Rabbit it is - and Christie gave us her vintage copy (#missingpieces)11:41 PM Aug 24th from web
55. John is getting these lights: http://atlaslightingsupply.... (#missingpieces)11:25 PM Aug 24th from web
56. making a list of in-town production assistants (#missingpieces)6:03 PM Aug 24th from web
57. working on hotel sponsorships, crane sponsorships, speaking with an investor, and a stunt man (#missingpieces)4:50 PM Aug 24th from web
58. is expecting a call from Mark Boone Junior!!!!!!!! (#missingpieces)4:49 PM Aug 24th from web
59. sending book design and t-shirt design feedback (#missingpieces)6:08 AM Aug 24th from web
61. is getting his hopes up for tomorrow - it's decision day (#missingpieces)3:26 AM Aug 24th from web
63. finding it hard to stay focused on script re-writes with so many other obligations (#MissingPieces)6:51 PM Aug 23rd from web
64. ordering a jib (#missingpieces)6:38 PM Aug 23rd from web
65. dolly crisis hopefully resolved (#missingpieces)6:38 PM Aug 23rd from web
67. Calling some people to tell them they are in the cast (#missingpieces)6:33 PM Aug 23rd from web
69. First meeting with Danny Hassel, our lead actor in the young adult role of Daylen (#missingpieces)5:47 PM Aug 22nd from web
70. setting up our field-transfer hard drive, walkie talkies, and lap top case (#missingpieces)5:10 PM Aug 22nd from web
71. biting nails waiting for the decisive phone call from our last celebrity lead (#missingpieces)3:38 PM Aug 22nd from web
72. Adam and Amanda just brought over 3 blow up mattresses for folks to sleep on (#missingpieces)3:32 PM Aug 22nd from web
73. more people on board, script re-writes (#missingpieces)3:32 PM Aug 22nd from web
74. holy smokes - one last celebrity lead. 24 hours until that bubble pops. (#missingpieces)8:39 PM Aug 21st from web
75. celebrities will not be working on this project. Sincere disappointment (#missingpieces)6:05 PM Aug 21st from web
76. John's going crazy on ordering cinematography stuff, and I just ordered some heat gloves, and our custom theme park patches (#missingpieces)5:07 PM Aug 21st from web
77. coordinating cast costumes, casting some bit roles, more licensing stuff, and managing some extra help offers (#missingpieces)4:19 AM Aug 21st from web
78. writing some of the last celebrity inquiries pleading for a yes/no decision (#Missingpieces)2:11 AM Aug 21st from web
79. making a morale-boosting collage to post in the production studio (basement) bathroom (#missingpieces)2:10 AM Aug 21st from web
80. Has a second interested event planner - with her own event planning company! (#missingpieces)2:09 AM Aug 21st from web
81. script re-writes and internet meeting with Lene, one of our fundraisers (#missingpieces)10:53 PM Aug 20th from web
82. meeting with Brion - one of our paintings artists (#missingpieces)6:03 PM Aug 20th from web
83. calls - parking lot permissions, children's book permission, car explosion location, restaraunt location, track/field loca. (#Missingpieces)6:03 PM Aug 20th from web
84. meeting with a local diner for locations permission (#missingpieces)6:02 PM Aug 20th from web
85. late night location scouting - looking for running tracks, grocery stores, and well-lit neighborhoods (#missingpieces)5:07 AM Aug 20th from web
86. made the production closet with all our gear and stuff (#missingpieces)10:41 PM Aug 19th from web
87. is unbelievably fortunate to be able to work with such devoted and talented people every single day - all working for free (#Missingpieces)5:58 PM Aug 19th from web
88. Flower shop location secured (#MissingPieces)5:36 PM Aug 19th from web
89. request submitted for apartments at the local housing board (#missingpieces)2:54 PM Aug 19th from web
90. is reviewing the 7 minute video of song ideas from our additional music-maker, Michael Battito (#Missingpieces)3:47 AM Aug 19th from web
91. is working with our two costume designers and production designer on some misc. costume/prop/location stuff (#missingpieces)3:46 AM Aug 19th from web
92. wishlist of fireworks from our fireworks sponsor - just updated the website with their logo (#missingpieces)2:37 AM Aug 19th from web
93. The final plan for celebrity involvement is in action. Never take no for an answer. They'll still say no, but whatever (#missingpieces)2:36 AM Aug 19th from web
94. The Velveteen Rabbit is in public domain! Hopefully that's the ticket for getting clearance for the Children's book (#missingpieces)6:57 PM Aug 18th from web
95. a team of 8 people, lead by my friend Nick Cox are coordinating our car flip. They are holding the first meeting for it now (#missingpieces)6:02 PM Aug 18th from web
96. it's looking like some free hotel rooms :) (#missingpieces)6:01 PM Aug 18th from web
97. has a helicopter for the salt flats in Salt Lake City Utah! (#missingpieces)6:00 PM Aug 18th from web
98. is negotiating to get 85-100 foot cranes for some of our big shots (#missingpieces)5:38 PM Aug 18th from web
99. still hope with Iron & Wine licensing! (#missingpieces)4:16 PM Aug 18th from web
100. half the battle has been won for locations permission for filming outside of a local middle school (#missingpieces)3:50 PM Aug 18th from web
101. has a prospective event planner for our party scene! (#missingpieces)3:32 PM Aug 18th from web
102. endless calling to secure our car explosion location - shut down by a few prospective quarries :( (#missingpieces)3:30 PM Aug 18th from web
103. new production assistant! (#MissingPieces)5:37 AM Aug 18th from web
104. finding a creative writer to author our situations so the plot makes sense (#missingpieces)5:19 AM Aug 18th from web
105. more fielding e-mails, script polishing, pro-active help-seeking, google earth scouting, and licensing seeking (#missingpieces)4:43 AM Aug 18th from web
106. bought some tin containers to make a prop for the movie (#missingpieces)4:29 AM Aug 18th from web
107. celebrity involvement is a sinking ship. Many many many months/weeks/days/hours of work down the drain (#Missingpieces)8:18 PM Aug 17th from web
108. cannot keep up with these e-mails - bout to get worn out (#Missingpieces)8:18 PM Aug 17th from web
109. Boy Scouts are hopefully going to make a legit raft for us! Think Tom Sawyer (#missingpieces)8:18 PM Aug 17th from web
110. Lakeshore foundation is posting a call for actors in wheelchairs for the film (#missingpieces)8:15 PM Aug 17th from web
111. hotel group rates confirmed - $100 off (#missingpieces)8:14 PM Aug 17th from web
112. new sponsor! is providing sky lantern and spark fountains (#MissingPieces)8:14 PM Aug 17th from web
113. google earth scouting for a high school running track location (#missingpieces)8:14 PM Aug 17th from web
114. coordinating in-town help and extras (#Missingpieces)8:14 PM Aug 17th from web
115. script polishing (#Missingpieces)6:33 PM Aug 17th from web
116. Nick is coordinating our car flip – phone meeting to pin down dates (#missingpieces)6:32 PM Aug 17th from web
117. reading a stack of books about acting (#missingpieces)6:32 PM Aug 17th from web
118. seeking extras and production help from those who auditioned last week (#missingpieces)6:32 PM Aug 17th from web
119. getting tarp and mulch for our playground glass shattering sequence (#missingpieces)6:32 PM Aug 17th from web
120. library run for posting on craig’s list, home depot and Sam’s club for misc supplies (#missingpieces)6:31 PM Aug 17th from web
121. rejected from our grocery store location after three weeks of indecision – now negotiating (#missingpieces)6:30 PM Aug 17th from web
122. ing support from local communications school (#missingpieces)6:30 PM Aug 17th from web
123. looking for backup Red One camera in case of mid-shoot breakdown (#Missingpieces)6:30 PM Aug 17th from web
124. edited and made our Bob Ross DVD for filming (#missingpieces)6:30 PM Aug 17th from web
125. searching for hotels to contact around B'ham (#missingpieces)6:30 PM Aug 17th from web
126. answering e-mails, reconciling the budget, cleaning up the house from the wreck that is this movie (#missingpieces)6:29 PM Aug 17th from web
127. working on getting free hotels in town (#missingpieces)7:59 PM Aug 15th from web
128. updating the blog, transcribing notes from the day, and sending e-mails (#missingpieces)3:30 AM Aug 15th from web
129. updating the website - casting webpage down (#Missingpieces)1:54 AM Aug 15th from web
130. location scouting with Elissa all day - salon, diner, and 24/7 spot scoped out and secured (#missingpieces)1:54 AM Aug 15th from web
131. Will's done with both 8X8 ft. paintings!!! He stayed at the house for a week and rocked it out :) (#missingpieces)1:53 AM Aug 15th from web
132. final meeting with Birmingham's park board in preparation for our glass-shattering/playground scene (#Missingpieces)1:53 AM Aug 15th from web
133. calling back a few people for auditions (#MissingPieces)4:29 AM Aug 14th from web
134. looking for independent children's book publishers to get a book cleared (#missingpieces)4:28 AM Aug 14th from web
135. cool costume ideas from Angel (#MissingPieces)3:15 AM Aug 14th from web
136. lighting lesson from Will (#MissingPieces)3:12 AM Aug 14th from web
137. just got a list of event planners to contact from our production assistant, Patrick (#MissingPieces)12:20 AM Aug 14th from web
138. Holy crap, 54 people are on the crew. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of all the people helping on this (#MissingPieces)12:19 AM Aug 14th from web
139. just got explosives quantities from our Bomb Squad Sergeant and is still trying to clear a rock quarry location (#MissingPieces)5:54 PM Aug 13th from web
140. Goodnight moon is a bust $3,500 for a prop is too much (#Missingpieces)1:30 PM Aug 13th from web
141. sent our big "welcome to the cast" letter, the script, philosophies, the color scheme, and instruction to some of our cast (#missingpieces)2:19 AM Aug 13th from web
142. has a location in the salt flats of Utah and is now searching for a hot air balloon pilot in the area (#missingpieces)5:32 PM Aug 12th from web
143. just got off the phone arranging for a 30ft high electronically operated camera crane, kind of expensive though :( (#missingpieces)4:41 PM Aug 12th from web
144. got a list of interested background actors/extras from Kyle (#missingpieces)1:34 PM Aug 12th from web
145. met with an kind gentleman who is helping us with our industrial and car explosion scenes - and piloting his helicopter (#missingpieces)1:34 PM Aug 12th from web
147. is working with our amazing production designer, Elissa, on finding sweet apartment locations for the film (#missingpieces)12:04 AM Aug 12th from web
148. making the "you got the part" calls with Leeanna :D (#missingpieces)10:44 PM Aug 11th from web
149. is entering all the info from our audition session this weekend to figure out who wants to be extras (#missingpieces)9:35 PM Aug 11th from web
150. sent references to our new costume designer, Angel Vuong (#missingpieces)9:34 PM Aug 11th from web
151. has an 8AM meeting for locations - no fun (#Missingpieces)6:58 PM Aug 11th from web
152. is working on getting hot air balloon pilots for the desert and in Birmingham (#missingpieces)5:47 PM Aug 11th from web
153. got clearance to smash light bulbs on a playground (#missingpieces)5:46 PM Aug 11th from web
154. has gotten over 180 real e-mails that require responses in the past three days. It never stops (#Missingpieces)4:24 PM Aug 11th from web
155. Joe, our photographer is reading the script and coming up with ideas of backstory photographs for set decoration (#missingpieces)1:53 PM Aug 11th from web
156. Check out my friend's blog as she tracks losing weight and teaches everyone how to cook: @analein1:45 PM Aug 11th from web
157. just got two new production assistants and a costume designer from the local school (#missingpieces)5:08 AM Aug 11th from web
158. is recruiting local boy scouts to make a raft and help out on the film (#missingpieces)5:07 AM Aug 11th from web
159. just got two amazing original songs from Justin Wilder - truly fantastic! (#missingpieces)3:55 AM Aug 11th from web
160. has a prospective costume designer! (#missingpieces)3:08 AM Aug 11th from web
161. is trying to find a photographer to take backstory photos (#missingpieces)2:16 AM Aug 11th from web
162. A local college's film production club is getting involved in helping with our movie (#missingpieces)2:14 AM Aug 11th from web
163. sent packaging references over to a professional package designer and sticker maker (#missingpieces)1:41 AM Aug 11th from web
164. just got 10 awesome bands sent over from Fumio, one of our music supervisors (#missingpieces)1:30 AM Aug 11th from web
165. Had to give decision feedback to a deserving actor (#missingpieecs)12:55 AM Aug 11th from web
166. Will's first finished 8X8 foot painting on ply board (#Missingpieces)12:55 AM Aug 11th from web
167. these people are designing our prop arm bands for the kidnapping device: (#missingpieces)7:21 PM Aug 10th from web
168. long phone meeting with Elissa (production design) (#missingpieces)7:20 PM Aug 10th from web
169. panty hose tests - looks like the ones on sale at CVS are the best ones to use - Leggs! (#missingpieces)7:20 PM Aug 10th from web
170. is sending out cast pictures to our celebrity prospects (#missingpieces)4:13 PM Aug 10th from web
171. Got a huge discount on top notch songs for the movie from Midlake and the Trials of Van Occupanther (#missingpieces)2:37 PM Aug 10th from web
173. sent references over to a song writer and finalized plans for purchasing signage for our fake delivery company with Shea (#missingpieces)12:52 AM Aug 10th from web
174. just made a spreadsheet of our A and A+ cast with pictures :) (#missingpieces)10:57 PM Aug 9th from web
175. Just got clearance for our middle school!! (#missingpieces)10:21 PM Aug 9th from web
176. Has a new t-shirt designer for crew shirts and a full sponsorship with a t-shirt making company (#missingpieces)6:14 PM Aug 9th from web
177. Elissa finished location scouting Florence, Alabama, and it has truly amazing places (#Missingpieces)6:08 PM Aug 9th from web
178. just got smashable light bulbs from Kyle (#Missingpieces)6:07 PM Aug 9th from web
179. got our final discount from SetWear (#missingpieces)6:05 PM Aug 9th from web
180. Theme park logo = complete (#missingpieces)6:03 PM Aug 9th from web
181. has three friends composing songs for the movie, and just listened to the first demo by Dean - amazing :) (#missingpieces)6:03 PM Aug 9th from web
182. has a hopeful full-time production assistant (#missingpieces)6:02 PM Aug 9th from web
183. has a new music supervisor (#missingpieces)6:02 PM Aug 9th from web
184. a vinyl record store is securing album covers for us to film, and will make a custom album jacket for us for free (#missingpieces)5:54 PM Aug 9th from web
185. getting clearance for children's books and music in the film (#Missingpieces)5:53 PM Aug 9th from web
186. last minute audition - grace of God (#missingpieces)5:33 PM Aug 9th from web
187. up late with Leeanna pulling together the cast (#missingpieces)5:33 PM Aug 9th from web
188. Birmingham casting all day (#missingpieces)5:32 PM Aug 9th from web
189. has been working on getting supplies for Will's two 8X8 foot paintings on plyboard (#missingpieces)5:29 PM Aug 9th from web
191. Kyle is awesome as usual - he arranged for fluorescent light bulbs and refrigerator boxes! (#missingpieces)11:54 PM Aug 5th from web
192. searching for independent artists to clear their music for free (#missingpieces)11:50 PM Aug 5th from web
193. sent the project details to a local producer looking to finance Alabama films (#missingpieces)10:23 PM Aug 5th from web
194. Has access to 1,000,000 square feet/116 acres of industrial land!!! The biggest location in the Southeast! (#Missingpieces)3:34 PM Aug 5th from web
195. just spoke with an angel - cleared industrial factory location, rock quarry location, and flew a helicopter (#missingpieces)3:18 PM Aug 5th from web
196. has a sponsorship with a local t-shirt manufacturer to make crew t-shirts (#missingpieces)2:19 PM Aug 5th from web
197. updated the website (#missingpieces)6:27 AM Aug 5th from web
198. sent off for filming location in a local school (#missingpieces)5:00 AM Aug 5th from web
199. trying to do more outsourcing with more interested folks, who knew making a movie would require so much? (#missingpieces)10:01 PM Aug 4th from web
200. new approach for securing a rock quarry = exponentially more promising - should hear back by week's end (#missingpieces)5:11 PM Aug 4th from web